Monday, February 1, 2010

Armenia Leading the Top 10 List of Emerging Faith-based Destinations

Kevin J. Wright, president of the World Religious Travel Association, has just published an article with Leisure Group Travel on Top 10 Emerging Destinations in Faith-based Tourism:
  1. Armenia
  2. Colombia
  3. Lebanon
  4. Syria
  5. India
  6. Cyprus
  7. Palestine
  8. Ethiopia
  9. Poland
  10. Canada (Quebec)
 In his note about Armenia Kevin rights:

"Armenia, in the Caucasus region of Southwestern Asia, is the embodiment of what it means to be an emerging faith-based destination. The country is off the radar of the average North American traveler, yet it possesses some of the most enviable religious travel attributes of any place on earth".

"Armenia is featured in the first book of the Bible and it’s where you can view Mt. Ararat, the site where Noah’s Ark landed, according to Genesis 8:4. In addition, Armenia has the distinction of being the first country to adopt the Christian faith (301 A.D.) and being evangelized by two of Jesus’ apostles (Bartholomew and Thaddeus). Ancient monasteries are among its top attractions".

"Armenia serves not only as an ideal pilgrimage destination, but also offers a multitude of travel experiences for people of faith, including mission trips, volunteer vacations and cultural/ historic touring. Armenia has recently begun reaching out to the faith-based travel marketplace. As such, it’s only a matter of time until Armenia is properly catalogued as one of  the leading countries for religious travel" (Read the full article here).